| TODO |
Daily forecast
New icons for fmi and owm
0.11.6 | 29.04.2014 |
Better handling for data (OpenWeatherData return sometimes only ~6*3h forecast)
Settings location corrected.
Approved to Jolla Store
0.11.5 | 24.04.2014? |
Search/History result language
Forecast and sunrise/sunset timezone view setup
0.10-2 | 03.04.2014 |
Language fix
0.10-1 | 02.04.2014 |
Added English localization
Improvement for FMI weather search
Added OpenWeatherMap (FMI can only be used with Finnish places)
Two forecast list views: every 1 & 4 hour on FMI and 3 & 6 hour on OWM
Added settings
0.9-2 | 05.03.2014 |
Added missing wind direction icon
0.9-1 | First working release |
New name -> Weather Kaarna
location search and history
Coverpage (weather and refresh)
PushUp menu history
Upper values are measured
0.3-4 | Older working version |
Old name -> Weather2